Top business strategies that will boost SEO

Like many businesses that embark on a SEO strategy, their focus is on getting their core keywords ranking and prioritising a basic on-page and off-page strategy. In terms of a basic SEO plan, focusing on content generation, online business directory listings and having good back links is what many see as the first thing to do.

Implementing this online strategy is vital to building the foundation to your SEO activities, however, once this is done, there are other ways to diversify and improve your online presence even further.

Top business strategies that will boost SEO

Is your business strategy working towards better SEO? Photo: Mizerek, Bigstock

One way to improve your online business ranking even further is to go back to thinking about your business strategy and your target markets. Think about ways to generate more revenue, where your new customers might be and also customers that are yet to take the leap of faith with your product or service.

Thinking in terms of business strategy and your business “road map” is a great way to discover new ways to improve your online presence without having to rehash and go over the same tactics. Once you have reached first page or your online goal with your current keywords, there are more ways to use the Internet to give you an even broader reach.

Here are some top business tactics that can see your business thrive in the online world.

Build micro brands

A business no longer has to be the one brand or business name. Yes, it’s important to have tailored brand and marketing messages to ensure you don’t confuse your market. But spreading your market reach doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it can simplify and target your marketing messages even more.

For example, you might have a business that supplies cleaning equipment. Your core business might focus on a range of different domestic, commercial and industrial markets for selling your cleaning products. However, within these markets, you might have sectors that generate the most of your revenue. Therefore, create micro brands to cater to these industries and have individual SEO strategies for each of these.

Taking the example of the cleaning equipment supplier, a key target market might be the automotive industry. There are car wash businesses, car detailers and individual car enthusiasts that are after cleaning equipment. Through creating a micro brand, you can tailor your SEO strategy to focus on just this market, therefore building your online profile for this customer base even further.

When you create a micro brand, you have the ability to create a new website, and have a specialised keyword focus, tailored URL’s and content. All these activities will allow you to be found more easily online by your bigger customer sectors and present clear messages, information and advice that is tailored to them.

The more tailored your business can be, the more you can reach out and communicate with your desired customer.

Also, having a different websites for each brand will allow you to share the back linking juice. For example, your main website can have links to your other microsites, which will help with your SEO strategy.

Build branded social media accounts

Top business strategies that will boost SEO

Spread your brand across social media to reach a wider audience. Photo: Bloomicon, Bigstock

When you have built your “micro brand” you can than branch out by creating different social media accounts for this brand. This will allow you to create and share content specific to this brand, which helps boost SEO through generating more website traffic.

When you target your social media strategy to just one target market, you content becomes more relevant and therefore your bounce rate will improve.

Have you ever been to a business’ website that sells a range of different products, yet you are only interested in the 1 type of product? More often than not, you become overwhelmed with all the other products and content that isn’t relevant to your interests and you exit the website.

Also, social media users with a particular interest are more likely to share your content with other like-minded enthusiasts. The wider your “brand” net is, the harder it is for people to get excited and invested in what you have to offer.

Focus on the sceptical

As part of your business strategy, it’s also important to look at your current customer markets, not just how to widen your market potential. When you drill it down, you are bound to have many current potential customers that have a use for your product or service, yet are reluctant to take that leap of faith.

There are many reasons for this. Some customers may find your offering to expensive, they may feel the quality is not right for them or they don’t like the purchasing option they are provided with, such as online purchasing only.

These potential customers can be targeted through carefully targeted keywords, content and dedicated landing pages. For example, you might sell makeup online and you have potential customers that don’t want to purchase online without testing the product. You can create dedicated landing pages and keywords focusing on this issue to help them overcome their objection.

You can focus on long tail keywords within blogs, such as “risks to buying makeup online”. Reluctant customers are also searching online and finding out information for their specific concerns.  Create content that can help them take the next step and purchase from you.

Collaborate with other businesses

Top business strategies that will boost SEO

Have you considered collaboration with another business? Photo: Monkeybusinessimages, Bigstock

There are many businesses out there that will have the same target market and audience as your business, but aren’t in direct competition with you.

For example, a financial services business focusing on small business could collaborate with other professional services focusing on small business, such as marketing, business advisory or design consultancies.

A great way to conduct collaboration with these businesses is tap into their customer base and offer the business something in return that will also help boost their brand.

Ways to offer value in a business collaboration could include allowing access to each business’ database, placing links and logos on each business’ website or conducting a joint workshop or seminar.

With the power of business collaboration you can broaden your audience reach and therefore generate more website traffic and click through rates. All of these online activities will help increase your online presence.

Get international phone numbers

Depending on your type of business, your offerings may be suitable for customers, not just in your state or country, but also globally.

For example, an English content writing business can write content for any business across the globe that requires written English as part of their content. This type of business strategy is not just great in expanding your customer base but also for your SEO.

The more traffic you receive, the better for your online ranking. However, you have to be careful that the majority of your visitors aren’t leaving your site as quickly as they entered it. This will increase your bounce rate, which is a key contributor to negatively impacting your SEO.

When you have an international number, you will seem relevant to visitors that are from across the world. Expanding your traffic source to more than just your local area is something that can improve your online presence significantly.

Think about your service or product offering. Can you accommodate in some way for a global audience? You might not be able to offer your full offering, but you might be able to offer an online or email advisory service.

Having an international number doesn’t need to be expensive or complicated. For a small price, you can set up international numbers that are diverted to your mobile or office phone.

Secure free speaking gigs

Speaking opportunities are a great way to get in front of a large audience and expand your brand. If you have advice that is of value that you can present then look for opportunities in your local area.

When you secure a speaking position, those who are attending the event will normally be given a rundown of who is presenting. Before people attend, many like to do a quick Google search on who you are and what you have to offer. Just like many offline tactics, this is a great way to increase traffic to your website and help increase your online profile.

To find free speaking gigs, contact your local council for what workshops or seminars they might be holding, create your own speaking event in collaboration with other businesses or look at industry events and submit an abstract.

The more you can get in front of your target market, the more people will be searching for your product or service online and improving your website’s authority.

Analyse conversion rates

Top business strategies that will boost SEO

Make sure you’re checking how much your digital marketing is leading to conversions. Photo: Minerva Studio, Bigstock

Don’t forget that taking the time to analyse and see what is working and what is not is also just as important.

Reviewing your SEO tactics is a key part of your business strategy that shouldn’t be seen as a waste of time because you aren’t “proactively” conducting activities. When you take the time to review, you can see what activities are resulting in return on investment.

Take a look at your online results and see how they are resulting in conversions. There are many online tools that can help you get a clear picture of this. For example, take a look at your Google Business page and its “Insights” section. It will tell you how many people have seen your Google Business page in the last month. Then compare this with the amount of enquiries you have received.

Take a look at your keyword rankings and see if they have improved. If so, does this have a direct correlation to the types of enquiries you have been receiving. A great tool to compare keywords is the one by SEO Book. Its keyword tool allows you to simply copy and paste your keywords into its spreadsheet system and it will automatically generate how you rank for these keywords. If you do this every month, you’ll have an overview of which keywords are improving.

When you have this overview of what is working, then concentrate on these areas. For the SEO tactics that aren’t working that well, ask yourself, is it worth your time to improve them or should you focus on what’s working?


When it comes to your online strategy, thinking more strategically can help you leap ahead of the rest and improve your SEO through ways that are more than just content generation, back linking and ensuring your website is user friendly.

When you think outside of the box and create “micro brands” that stem off your umbrella company, your offering becomes more targeted and relevant to a particular market. The more tailored your content can be, the more it will be read, shared and a source of influence.

Once you have your micro brand and microsite built, don’t forget about creating individual social media accounts for these brands. Social media is a key platform that can get your content shared quickly and efficiently, driving traffic to your website. The more tailored you are with your posts, the more your audience will feel encouraged to share this with other enthusiasts.

Collaborating with other businesses and speaking engagements are out of the box business tactics that see your online rankings improve. The more you get yourself out there, the more your business will be searched for.

Also, creating an international phone number will give your website a global presence. The larger the audience you can reach, the more website traffic you’ll receive.

Last but not least, don’t forget to analyse your tactics and see your return on investment. If possible, see what is working in terms of direct conversions to your business. Focus is always best when it comes to a business strategy, as well as an SEO strategy.

So, when you are looking for ways to improve your keyword rankings and your online presence even further, don’t just look at the tried and trusted tactics. Yes, these are very important to your overall strategy, however, there are other ways that can help you get in front of a broader audience and generate a larger volume of website traffic, and in conjunction, do wonders for your brand and business reputation.

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